Doing Your Makeup For A Formal Event? Read These 10 Tips First

When it comes to formal events, doing makeup can be a hit or miss. You want it to look subtle, but you don’t want to go for a no-makeup makeup look. If you have an important event coming up, hiring an event makeup artist should be your call, but if you want to do it yourself, here are some tips.

Skincare Matters

The first order of importance when it comes to flawless makeup, is to have a good base underneath, and no, that doesn’t mean foundation. If your skin is dry, dehydrated, and just in dire need of a good scrub and exfoliation, then you want to start with skincare first. Remember, if your skin is beautiful and plump from the inside, then it will look amazing on the outside too. This is why before even putting a drop of makeup on your face.

You want to take some time with your skin and prep it for the heavy layer of makeup. This will not only create a base for you to put your best face on, but the makeup will also look flawless and there won’t be any creasing, flaking, and blotches along your problem areas. So, whenever it’s a formal event, make sure that you’re rejuvenating the skin with the proper products.

Perfect Base

Now comes the makeup base. Before you slap on some foundation, make sure that you’re using a primer. A primer is like a smoothening agent for your skin. If you have pores and are afraid that they will show through your makeup, then you need to smoothen down your face first and fill in the pores with a primer.

This is going to create a smooth canvas for you to work on and then when you go ahead and apply your foundation and other face products, they will not only look amazing, but the makeup will last long too.

Enhance Your Features

Everyone has some amazing features. Some have an amazing face shape, while some have beautiful and naturally defined eyes and some have the most amazing pouty lips. Well, you want to embrace those features and apply makeup in a way that makes them stand out. If you have a defined face, then skip contouring and sweeten your face with some blush.

If you have amazing lips then do their shape justice by going for a voluptuous lip color. If you have beautiful eyes, then elongate them with a flared-out eyeshadow look and winged liner. Makeup is all about trial and error until you find your perfect look.

Compliment Your Dress

When it comes to formal events, you want to make sure that your makeup compliments the dress you’re wearing. Matching and complimenting hues with your dress will tie the look together and it will make even the simplest of looks showstopping.

So, if you want to make heads turn, then make sure that you’re giving the color palette a bit of thinking through. You will love your look in the end and the colors will come out and shine in the best way. Also, style your hair accordingly as well. Now, that will be a look that people will adore.

Color Correction To The Rescue

If you have a lot of discoloration on your face, then you want to embrace color correction. Color correction is a unique way of neutralizing all of the weird colors on your face. Whether it be redness on the nose, bluish green tinge under the eyes, or anything else, the right color corrector will save the day and make your face makeup look ten times better.

The key is to understand the concept of color correction. The bluish tint will be removed with yellow. The redness will be removed with either blue or green, depending on your skin’s undertone and so on.

The Right Products

When you’re doing makeup, even though it’s for a formal event or regular everyday makeup, you want to use the products that are meant for your skin tone. If your skin is dry, then you need to invest in hydrating makeup products. If you want to combat oiliness, then go for powder makeup. Choosing makeup that will go with your skin tone like peanut butter and jelly will make the look flawless and oh-so-perfect.

Also, the right shade matters too when it comes to foundation. You don’t want the makeup to look like a mask. That is a major makeup faux pas. You want the shade to blend in effortlessly like a second skin. If you’re not use, get help from a makeup artist DC to choose the right products.

Subtly Dramatic

The best makeup technique you can go for when it comes to makeup for formal events is to master the art of making the look subtle yet dramatic. But what does that mean? Well, it means that you have to find a balance between dramatic and minimal.

You can go for an almost no-eyeshadow look with light shadows that are barely there, but then you can add some drama with a defined liner and thick lashes. You can go for a full face of glam and heavy makeup, but make the dress and accessories understated.

The Balance Of Eyes & Lips

This is probably one of the most important things that you need to do when it comes to makeup. No matter what makeup look you’re going for, you want to make sure that your face doesn’t look overdone. How will you do it?

Well, that will be the balance of the eyes and the lips. If you’re going for a very dramatic eye look with lots of dark and smoky eyeshadow, then you need to go for a very understated and muted lip and rest of the face. If you’re playing it safe with your eyes, then you can make the lip color and contouring more bold.

Don’t Forget Your Lashes

One thing that can instantly make your makeup look go from casual to formal is when you change the lashes. If you’re gifted with super long and voluminous lashes, not only do you want to flaunt them, but you want to elongate them further with a defining mascara. This will make your lashes stand out even more, perfect for a formal event.

Speaking of formal, you can go the extra mile and opt for fake lashes if you want a bit of help in the lash department. This alone will make your look more formal and elegant.

Set Everything In Place

It’s a formal event and you don’t want to excuse yourself to the bathroom to touch up your makeup every hour or so. You want all of your hard work to stay in place for as long as you like. This is where a good quality makeup setting spray will come in handy.

It will keep all of your makeup intact and you won’t even need to look in the mirror for touch-ups, which is amazing.


These makeup tips are not only going to make you look amazing, but they will also ensure that your makeup stays put throughout the day or evening. However, if you don’t want to risk it, there is nothing better than hiring makeup services Bethesda.

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