Good Food and Hospitality Can Make Your Guests’ Stay Memorable

When you provide memorable dining experiences for your hotel guests, they will be more likely to return to your establishment during vacations or business trips. They will also be more likely to recommend your hotel to future travelers. Eating out is an integral part of traveling, and can give visitors to the area a snapshot of the local culture. You can accomplish this at your hotel in a variety of ways, including some simple motifs suitable for small dining spaces.

Pay Attention to Ambiance

You can make a big impression on your guests when you pay attention to ambiance and décor. You don’t have to have a 5-star chef cooking the most elegant of meals to create a memorable dining experience. When you serve simple foods in a setting that is decorated to reflect the geographic region, you can have your guests coming back for more. For example, pay attention to:

  • Lighting: You can change the mood of your dining space simply by dimming or brightening the space’s lights.
  • Artwork: Frame local posters or photographs of the region to inject personality into your cafe.
  • Memorabilia: Display and decorate with regional items. For example, if your hotel is in Texas, decorate with branding irons, spurs, and cowboy boots.
  • Furnishings: Make your furnishings reflect the geographic area by selecting rustic, urban chic, or antiques.
  • Colors and fabrics: You can transform a small, ho-hum room into a cool café by simply painting the walls and covering seat cushions with stripes or velvet.

Name Your Dishes

You can create simple dishes that leave an impression on your guests by giving them appropriate names. For example:

  • Name your café’s pasta dish after your town’s founder.
  • Name your deli sandwich after the local mountain range.

Your guests will have more fun eating foods named after the area where they’re visiting, and the entrees will seem more festive and special.

Cooking Equipment for Small Spaces

You can equip small areas in your hotel for memorable dining, including foods in your vending machines. Don’t stock your machines and gift shop with boring food choices; incorporate unique and healthy items that keep guests coming back for more. Some choices to consider are:

Features to Look For

When setting up your hotel’s dining facility, make sure to look for equipment features that can make food service more successful. For example, take a look at:

  • Capacity
  • Versatility
  • Digital controls
  • Size of setup
  • Programmable memory

Make Guests Feel at Home

Another part of hospitality that can make guests feel comfortable enough to want them to return is to give them some of the comforts of home. To accomplish this:

  • Sell foods guests can prepare in their own rooms.
  • Provide dishes, utensils, and paper towels/napkins.
  • Have a table with chairs for in-room dining.
  • Have basic appliances such as small fridge, microwave, and coffee pot in each room.

If you want your guests to have fond memories of your hotel, give them the opportunities to have pleasant and memorable dining experiences. When you provide that level of hospitality, they’ll be more likely to book another stay at your inn.

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