Concrete is one of the most widely used construction materials out there. May it be residential or commercial buildings, concrete is used throughout the building process and is known for reliability, durability, and strength. As a concrete supplier, you should be aware of the number of ways concrete can be used to help you serve customers accordingly. That said, shotcrete is a versatile construction material employed in many civil engineering applications. Shotcrete offers a quick option for creating structures and reinforcing surfaces and you can order concrete delivery from any good supplier. Let’s dig a bit deeper and discuss the pros and cons of shotcrete to help you decide why you should opt for it the next time you are working on something.
How Is Shotcrete Used?
Shotcrete as the term suggests is a type of concrete that is shot or propelled at high velocity onto a surface for construction. Shotcrete is applied with two techniques and called dry process shotcrete and wet process shotcrete.
In dry shotcrete, pre-blended materials are introduced to the delivery hose. Then, the compressed air forces the material towards the nozzle from where the water comes in. The material is then shot through the nozzle onto the surface for construction as the final shotcrete.
The main advantage of using dry shotcrete is that it is quick and easy to set up and allows the team to have full control over the materials on site. Plus, shotcrete can also cover about 1000 feet of horizontal distance if required. This helps in applying concrete to surfaces that may be hard to reach. However, the application process requires skill.
Meanwhile, the other option tends to be wet shotcrete. This involves mixing all the ingredients, especially water into the equipment. Then, the mix is introduced to the nozzle. You will observe that this technique is most commonly applied to ready-mix concrete. Wet shotcrete happens to be the most effective and requires minimal formwork.
What Are The Advantages Of Using Shotcrete?
Now that we have discussed the concept surrounding shotcrete and its types, it is equally important that we discuss the advantages of using shotcrete as well.
Shotcrete happens to be a dense construction material. A benefit of using shotcrete is that it ensures the structure of the building is compact and durable. This is because it is propelled or shot at the construction area at such a speed that it does not allow for any air vacuums or bubbles.
One of the important factors experts need to keep in mind while using concrete is that there should be no space for air to accumulate. This may allow moisture or humidity to enter the tiny space and affect the reliability and strength of the concrete.
This is why shotcrete is a much more durable option as it covers the spaces more efficiently and effectively.
Another major advantage of using shotcrete is versatility. This means that it is not just limited to the construction of buildings but also skate parks, theme parks, and retaining walls. Shotcrete does not have to face limitations when it comes to depth, size, shape, etc. This allows the experts to perform a variety of repairing or construction tasks quickly.
At the same time, you do not have to worry about the quality of the task as shotcrete ensures strength, longevity, and durability. This also makes shotcrete a popular option for retaining walls, foaming pools, and faux finishes. However, you do need to choose a reputable supplier for ordering ready mix concrete delivery Potomac and then pick a good contractor for the project if you’re a homeowner and want to get this done by a professional.
Wet-mix concrete happens to be low in permeability and is resistant to many external or environmental factors like mold, fire, and worms. The wet-mix concrete also comes with a consistent coating that helps protect the shotcrete from damage by frost in colder climates.
Although dry-mix has shown high resistance to thawing, wet-mix concrete offers better results. As the temperatures rise, the wet-mix concrete is known to handle the extreme temperatures quite well.
What Are The Disadvantages Of Using Shotcrete?
While we have discussed the advantages of using shotcrete, you should know there are some disadvantages attached as well. Here are a few.
As mentioned earlier, shotcrete is propelled at a high speed to cover the construction area. While it may be an advantage, if the mixture is not utilized fast enough, it could start to dry beforehand. Shotcrete when dried can be an extremely difficult material to deal with
To fix the issue, you will need to invest or purchase an additional mixture and spend more time on the project, which will cost you even more money. This is why, when using shotcrete, one needs to be aware of the amount of time available for it to turn dry and hard. If you’re a homeowner building a pool or any other structure, hire an expert for it.
Shotcrete should only be utilized or handled by experts. If used improperly, it will create more trouble rather than being effective and practical. If you have ever seen experts using shotcrete for construction purposes, you will observe them using special tools and equipment to do so.
But, then again, if there is a problem or complication while using it, it can risk potential damage and costly cleanup. So, if you were planning to use shotcrete on your own, keep in mind that you will have to cover yourself using safety equipment and invest in tools that help shoot the concrete accurately and in the right direction.
Dust is a major byproduct of the mixing process as well as application. When choosing an application method, you should keep in mind that dry-mix is going to have a lot more dust than wet-mix. More exposure to dust increases the risk of health hazards, especially lung-related diseases like dermatitis, inhalation eye problems, etc. Make sure to wear protective gear when working with dry-mix to manage and handle dust-related tasks.
How To Choose The Right Supplier?
Now that we have discussed the advantages and disadvantages of shotcrete combined with all the other details, it now comes down to choosing the right supplier. This is the most important factor as it determines the cost, quality, strength, and durability.
While choosing the right supplier, you will come across many options. These options might be tempting especially if they offer rates that are lower than the market. But, as tempting as it might seem, you should not go for it. Always choose a supplier that employs the latest manufacturing techniques and processes.
Some states also have industrial rules that need to be followed. So, opting for such a type of shotcrete is going to be expensive but worth the price and investment.
That was your guide to shotcrete and its advantages and disadvantages. Make sure to keep the information mentioned above in mind when planning to use it for your next construction project and choosing the right ready mix concrete supplier Bethesda. It can be a time-consuming process and you need to give it a bit of flexibility. Rushing the process is only going to lead you to a disaster.